NJSBA Family Law Section

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New Jersey Family Lawyer Vol. 40., No. 6 – September 2022 

10-07-2022 01:11 PM

Table of Contents: Chairs Column - In Memoriam: Alan M. Grossman By Derek M. Freed; Outgoing Chair’s Column - The Three Who Impressed Me the Most By Robin Bogan; Early Settlement Panel – In-Person, Virtual or Hybrid By Jeralyn L. Lawrence and Charles F. Vuotto Jr.; Get Dressed and Get Back to Court By Brian Schwartz and Christopher R. Musulin; Executive Editor’s Column - Divorcing While Pregnant: Issues to Consider By Ronald Lieberman; Meet the Officers; The 10 Steps for Cross-Examining the Adverse Expert By John P. Paone Jr. and John P. Paone III; ‘Our Lips are Sealed’: A Review of Confidentiality and Privilege in the Mediation Process By Hon. Katherine R. Dupuis and Nicole A. Kobis; Divorced Parents Who Disagree About Their Child’s College Choice: Who Pays? By Raquel Vallejo and Bari Z. Weinberger; The Lasting (or not so) Impact of Moriarty: How Practitioners Might Allege Harm in a Complaint for Grandparent Visitation By Hon. Marcia L. Silva and Lauren A. Miceli; 50 (or more) Ways to Show They’re More Than a Lover: Facts to Prove Cohabitation By Jeralyn Lawrence and Hon. Marie E. Lihotz; The Impact on Family Court Matters of Convicted Sex Offenders and Custody and Parenting Time By Jessica Sciara and Michael J. Hanifan Sr.

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