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Superior Court Parenting Time / Custody Mediation manual available?

  • 1.  Superior Court Parenting Time / Custody Mediation manual available?

    Posted 02-06-2015 05:51 PM

    Does anyone know if whatever materials that are used to train and guide Superior Court Family Part custody / parenting time mediators are available anywhere? (Online, hopefully, or someone could attach?)

    There's a new mediator who has generated three complaints from three clients in the past two weeks - openly taking sides, giving legal advice (plainly wrong legal advice at that), giving out wildly incorrect information, getting angry with litigants, just plain bad.  Another attorney had a similarly horrific experience with the same mediator.

    As we all know, having good mediators is crucial.  The best ones (I'm thinking Diane Talty in Burlington) resolve impossible cases and leave the litigants finding ground to cooperate in the future.

    Before any further steps are taken with contacting the PJ over this (hopefully redeemable) bad apple, we'd like to be able to cite chapter and verse where said mediator has departed from what she's supposed to be doing.


    David Perry Davis, Esq.
    112 West Franklin Avenue
    Pennington, NJ 08534
    Voice: 609-737-2222
    Fax: 609-737-3222