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The following article is presented through the New Jersey State Bar Association's PracticeHQ , a free member resource that offers guidance to help attorneys build and maintain a successful law practice. The article is by Jeffrey R. Schoenberger, a senior consultant with Affinity Consulting Group, LLC. No matter where you turn today, you read about the opportunities and perils of artificial intelligence tools like ChatGPT. The opportunities need no additional cheerleaders on their squad. And the Cassandras don’t need another armchair prophet of doom. Instead of highlighting extremes, let’s focus on the banalities that legal professionals need to know when ...
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Editor’s note: This is the first of two articles on the NJSBF 2024 Medal of Honor recipients. An interview with the other recipient, Karol Corbin Walker, will be featured in an upcoming edition of The Bar Report. The New Jersey State Bar Foundation is proud to bestow the 2024 Medal of Honor, the Foundation’s most prestigious award, to Hon. Peter F. Bariso, Jr., A.J.S.C (Ret.) Assignment Judge Bariso left a lasting impact on the state’s Judiciary in his 16 years on the bench, serving as the presiding judge of the Civil Division and later the assignment judge of the Hudson Vicinage. Assignment Judge Bariso, of Chasan Lamparello Mallon & Cappuzzo, is also ...
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Several bills being monitored by the New Jersey State Bar Association moved in both the Assembly and Senate budget committees in a last-minute push before the Legislature breaks for the summer. S1385 (Singleton)/A3731 (Murphy) – Lisa’s Law A last-minute add-on, this bill establishes a four-year pilot program in Ocean County (or a different county as determined by the Attorney General) for the electronic monitoring of domestic violence offenders and notification to victims. The NJSBA initially opposed the bill because it proposed to conduct electronic monitoring based solely on an arrest – and not a conviction – for violating a temporary or final restraining ...
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The New Jersey State Bar Association's Board of Trustees approved a $10.7 million fiscal year budget for 2024-2025 that allows the Association to provide meaningful membership experiences, top-notch CLE programming and quality legal publications. Funding in budget will continue popular member benefits like the Member Assistance Program for mental health services and the legal research tool Decisis. The budget is published here, per the bylaws. New Jersey State Bar Association 2024-2025 Operating Budget MEMBERSHIP DUES Membership Dues 2,800,000 Section Dues 287,000 YOUNG LAWYERS DIVISION YLD Dues 13,000 Seminars ...
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The New Jersey State Bar Association’s Board of Trustees acted on several items at its June meeting. The Board adopted a $10.7 million fiscal year budget for 2024-2025 that allows the Association to provide meaningful membership experiences, top-notch CLE programming and quality legal publications. Funding in budget will continue popular member benefits like the Member Assistance Program for mental health services and the legal research tool Decisis. On a recommendation from the Amicus Committee, the Board agreed to seek amicus status in two cases. Stinnie v. Holcomb , a case pending before the U.S. Supreme Court, involves fee shifting cases and when ...
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This is a status report provided by the New Jersey State Bar Association on recently passed and pending legislation, regulations, gubernatorial nominations and/or appointments of interest to lawyers, as well as the involvement of the NJSBA as amicus in appellate court matters. To learn more, visit . In a case of first impression, the Appellate Division held that trial courts possess the jurisdiction and authority to order recission of a certificate of dissolution and termination with a proper showing of justification and notice to interested or affected parties. The New Jersey State Bar Association participated as amicus curiae in ...
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This is a status report provided by the New Jersey State Bar Association on recently passed and pending legislation, regulations, gubernatorial nominations and/or appointments of interest to lawyers, as well as the involvement of the NJSBA as amicus in appellate court matters. To learn more, visit . The New Jersey State Bar Association testified in opposition to S1310 (Pou), which would permit for-profit debt adjusters to operate in New Jersey. Currently, nonprofit debt adjusters are licensed to do so in New Jersey with strict guidelines regarding fees, audits and bonding. Yongmoon Kim, chair of NJSBA’s Consumer Protection Law Committee, testified ...
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For the first time in eight years, New Jersey Lawyer has dedicated an edition to environmental law, the growth of the practice and critical environmental issues affecting New Jersey residents. The June magazine, published by the New Jersey State Bar Association, features eight articles on topics of climate change, sustainability, environmental justice, developments in emerging contaminants and natural resource damage claims that affect many stakeholders. The articles explore these and other key issues that impact not only environmental law practitioners, but all members of the legal community. Special contributors to the edition include New Jersey Department ...
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New Jersey State Bar Association Treasurer Diana C. Manning and Special Civil Part Committee Immediate Past Chair Tracey Goldstein discussed proposed Court Rule amendments at a hearing on recent reports issued by the Judiciary’s various rules committees. The New Jersey Supreme Court holds the public hearing each spring. Commenting on the Civil Practice Committee report, Manning noted the NJSBA supports the proposals relating to civil practice, but suggested language changes meant to clarify the amendments further. “We offer these comments in the spirit of cooperation,” said Manning, noting a shared goal of “establishing procedures that are clear, fair to all ...
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The NJSBA's Member Assistance Program is a free confidential service that offers 24/7 phone, text or mobile access to a mental health professional with at least seven years of experience, who will provide individual counseling and connect members with a wellness library of more than 25,000 self-help resources. The program is available to all NJSBA members and those in their households. Get help today by calling 800-531-0200. The following article is from a newsletter by Charles Nechtem Associates, the program’s provide r. It's 5 p.m. and everyone's leaving work—except you, because you still have to do the weekly sales report. You knew the deadline but ...
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In response to the rapid rise of artificial intelligence, the New Jersey State Bar Association has released a wide-ranging report outlining AI’s impact on the legal profession, with practical guidance on how attorneys can benefit from AI while navigating the technology safely and ethically. The 36-page report, released by the NJSBA Task Force on Artificial Intelligence and the Law, addresses the fundamental considerations attorneys must make when implementing AI in their legal practice – including understanding AI's benefits, recognizing potential risks, selecting appropriate AI tools, ensuring data protection and effectively training staff. The report serves ...
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The Senate voted unanimously in support of a bill that would require the Division of Child Protection and Permanency to consult with the Division of Developmental Disabilities following a finding of child abuse and neglect to create services as necessary. The New Jersey State Bar Association supports S720 (Burgess)/A4168 (Reynolds-Jackson) with a recommendation to define “reasonable efforts” as stated in the bill. The bill was initially drafted to create a plan for services for a child who has a developmental disability and is eligible for services and who appears to need therapeutic services. A committee amendment revised the bill to reference more broadly ...
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Last week, the New Jersey State Bar Association testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee in support of S2437(Pou)/A4471(Ramirez). The bill directs the Office of the Public Defender to provide legal representation for criminal contempt violations in domestic violence matters. The NJSBA supports this bill, which concept was one of 13 recommendations in its report to address effective representation in matters where there is a right to counsel. Past NJSBA Trustee Eugenia Lynch testified on behalf of the Association. “New Jersey has the primary obligation to provide effective counsel in matters implicating fundamental rights, which obligation is enshrined ...
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The success of the New Jersey State Bar Association's Annual Meeting and Convention is in large part due to the support of sponsors, who generously help present the premier annual event in the New Jersey legal community. Thanks to all the 2024 sponsors who made this year's conference so special and meaningful to our members. ANNUAL MEETING SPONSORS Arnold Ventures Caret Legal Central State Appraisal Services CG Tax Audit and Advisory CKB Decisis Divorce Mortgage Planning DS Business Life Simplified EEO Training LLC EisnerAmper eMazzanti Technologies Ember Fortune Title Agency Guy J. Renzi Legal Resources Johnson & Johnson LEAP Litegation ...
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New Jersey’s top two jurists addressed rising caseloads, improving attorney well-being and a proposal that would overhaul the appointment process for the state Appellate Division at the annual States of the Judiciary session. In one of the final events at the New Jersey State Bar Association’s Annual Meeting and Convention, the Association welcomed state Supreme Court Chief Justice Stuart Rabner and U.S. District Court Chief Judge Renée Marie Bumb, who briefed attendees on the most pressing topics facing the Judiciary in the last year. Chief Justice Rabner dedicated much of his address to a constitutional amendment under review in the state Legislature ...
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The Supreme Court Year in Review, a staple program of the Annual Meeting and Convention, analyzed the most consequential criminal, family and civil cases from the past year. The seminar brought together six jurists from across the state to discuss rulings that serve as critical case law for the lower courts to follow. Retired Assignment Judge Peter F. Bariso moderated the panel that included state Supreme Court Justices , Anne M. Patterson, Lee A. Solomon and Rachel Wainer-Apter, along with Middlesex County Family Part Presiding Judge Deborah Venezia and Burlington County Assignment Judge Jeanne T. Covert. The panel reviewed the Court’s decision in Cardali ...
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What do people who have been on both sides of the bench want lawyers to know about successful litigation? A diverse panel of judges from all levels of the federal and state judiciaries provided insight at the NJSBA Annual Meeting and Convention into what they wish they knew as lawyers that would have helped them be more successful. David R. Kott, of McCarter & English, led the discussion that covered everything from the use of footnotes, oral advocacy guidance and whether PowerPoint presentations are appropriate in court. Retired U.S. Third Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Joseph A. Greenaway, Jr. On what to keep in mind when presenting arguments: “Answer ...
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As the world grapples with climate change, the fact that its worst consequences will disproportionately affect underserved communities is often an overlooked detail. A panel at the Annual Meeting and Convention shed light on climate change’s impact on urban populations in New Jersey, which in recent years have suffered worsening heat waves, air quality, flooding and other impacts. NJSBA Trustee Ron McCormick led a panel that included Dr. Sarah Das, a scientist at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, state Department of Environmental Protection Commissioner Shawn M. LaTourette and former NJSBA President Thomas H. Prol. Last year was the warmest year ...
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New Jersey Attorney General Matthew J. Platkin shed light on the efforts of the department to build an agency that can advocate at the highest levels of the state and federal courts. “We have really built an amazing team… We are positioned to really litigate these cases ourselves and take them to the highest court in the nation if we have to,” said Platkin, adding that the state is leading efforts to address issues ranging from gun violence to the harms social media is doing to young people, to forever chemicals, to the rights of school children. “You can see it across the spectrum of cases we are litigating,” he said. “I am very proud.” ...
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Career planning and setting professional goals are a key part of defining your legacy in the law. Former NJSBA President Jeralyn L. Lawrence led a panel at the Annual Meeting and Convention that discussed the importance of finding purpose as an attorney and how that realization guided their career paths. Lawrence moderated the panel with Maritza Rodriguez and Linda Mainenti Walsh. Speakers included state Supreme Court Justice Lee A. Solomon, Supreme Court Clerk Heather Joy Baker, Jey Rajaraman of the American Bar Association, Robert A. Bianchi, Jeffrey W. Mazzola, Cheyne R. Scott and Nicole Tierney. To start the discussion, ...