Criminal Law Section CLE Dinner Meeting

When:  Oct 23, 2013 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM (ET)
Associated with  Criminal Law Section


The Honorable Dennis Nieves, J.S.C. - Middlesex County (Criminal)

Edward ("Ted") Bertucio, Jr., Esq. - Monmouth County (Criminal)

Matthew Troiano, Esq. - Assistant Morris County Prosecutor (Major Crimes)

The title is "Recent Updates in Criminal Law"

The meeting will address the recent updates in criminal law, including but not limited to the Henderson decision, changes to the Criminal Model Jury Charges, and rule changes.  The panel will give insight as to how the changes are having an effect from the perspective of the judiciary, the defense bar, and the prosecution bar. 

CLE credits are pending.


1 Constitution Sq.
New Brunswick, NJ 08901